Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday Brunch

Fuck work. Make brunch. - This was my mantra for Sunday, and it worked surprisingly well. I made fancy vegan french toast, which included some strawberries, bananas, and, of course, aunt jemima - side note - gwen and i have almost gone through a whole large bottle of aunt jemima in under a month...we're disgusting. For this brunch we decided to watch an episode of doug - Doug is the most anxious and self conscious cartoon character on tv.

Sunday's weather called for a big pot of chili and corn bread, so once dinner hit, I invited stephanie over and made what i call "Xtreme Monster Chili." I have never created something so excessive in my life - it looks like I was cooking for a crew of construction workers rather than 3 women. I sauteed chopped onion and garlic and added 6 cans of beans and stewed tomatoes. I then added a layer of corn bread on top of this concoction, which was added by another batch of corn bread because stephanie and i thought it was a good idea. This is what made "Monster Chili" into "Xtreme Monster Chili."




adriennefriend said...

The Xtreme monster chili paragraph is perfect in every way. I especially enjoyed the sentence " I have never created something so excessive in my life - it looks like I was cooking for a crew of construction workers rather than 3 women."

jenny said...

thanks for commenting, adrienne! i'm excited to see you in a few days and eat wonderful food <3